New Homes in Belgravia
Kilmuir House
Pilbrow & Partners were selected by Native Land following an invited competition to prepare development proposal for this prominent Belgravia Site. The proposals restore the historic street line and maintain the continuity of the urban block. Carefully crafted masonry elevations reflect a traditional domestic hierarchy of base, body and attic. The overall building scale is reduced from nine to seven storeys and on the smaller side street of Eaton Terrace and South Eaton Place, the scale is reduced further to five storeys. In place of the unsightly surface parking, a generous landscaped garden is proposed at the heart of the block enhancing the outlook of neighbouring properties. Active ground floor uses animate the Ebury Street frontage contributing to the wider public realm initiatives promoted by the Grosvenor Estate on Elizabeth Street. The rhythm of town houses characteristic of South Eaton Place and Eaton Terrace inform the design of the proposed elevations to these streets. Residential front doors activate ground floors and fenestration to the upper storeys reflect the order of the historic neighbouring town houses.
Belgravia, London, UK
Planning Consent
Fred Pilbrow Sam Yousif Leandro Rotondi
Native Land
Gross Floor Area
GEA 12,880 sqm